Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 11: Sweat

Today was, overall, a great day. However - it is SOOOOOOOO hot. I cannot convey to you the high temperatures and uncomfortable nature of the heat we are feeling. So much sweat. The Danes here are telling us that this is the hottest summer they've had in years. And no where has air conditioning or even a FAN. Oh man. Ooooh man. 

We got up this morning and the young single adult group from the local LDS church took us on a walking tour. It was lovely and I was really glad they did so we could do a little sight seeing. We saw the queen's palace and this big lo' church with one of the largest church domes in the world (took 100 years to build!!) We saw a ton of neat stuff. But walking around for a few hours was really tiring and - HOT!

Church by the queen's palace

pretty gardens :)

We ended our tour at a church where the famous Christus statue resides. It was sculpted by a Dane. But what was most NEATO was the fact that he also scuplted the twelve apostles! It was lovely. 

(click to enlarge)

And lucky for us our concert venue was right outside the church so we grabbed some lunch (re - some people did. I wasn't hungry at ALL because i was so warm so I just got some pistachio ice cream), ate and started setting up for our concert.

The concert went really well. We had a great reception and they unison-clapped for us so - we did an encore! Apparently it's very rare for people to do that here, so we're lucky to have gotten it twice!! Again - it was SCORCHING hot because not only were we in an outdoor venue in the sun, they insisted on turning on the lights to make things hotter!! When I say "sweat", I'm serious. Some people had underarm "tacos" halfway down their torso. 'Fer serious.'

After that a handful of people went swimming in the harbor, but some of us decided to go on a canal tour where they drive you around the city in a boat. It felt like a Disney ride and I loved it. Again - i was glad to learn more about Copenhagen. It's quite the fascinating city. Some of us contemplated going swimming after the canal tour, but once we got to our rooms, we were so spent that we slept.

famous view from the water!

Dinner was next - fending for ourselves at the nearby McDonalds - and then FREE TIME! Some went to concerts - me? I stayed in to take a cold shower, edit pictures, blog and take care of my sickly body :( I'm getting better!! Which is good. But I'm still congested, sniffly, and tired. It will pass soon, though, I'm sure.

Tomorrow is church, a trip to the Carl Block museum/castle (though i'm sure i spelled that incorrectly) and then some free time - during which I'm going to head to this museum about a block from our hostel. It's got some BEAUTIFUL artwork in it that I'm really excited to see. Then on Monday we'll head to Odense!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lizzy, your blog is wonderful. It is warm here in Oslo too, but we have been sitting outside until now - almost midnight, and it is just perfect. So glad you got to see the real Kristus statue. And I too love the 12 apostles. I have a lovely memory standing next to Peter with the keys and with then Elder Uchtdorf. Felt like running out to the street and calling out that there was a live one inside which was NOT mad of marble!
    Hope you will get rid of your cold. No fun blowing a trombone with a cold. I am so glad for what you notice and describe in your blog. It shows a keen eye and a wonderful understanding of other cultures. Keep it up - I will be looking forward to your next update.
    Good night!
