-New Glasses
-New Apartme
nt and such
These things ar
e a pretty big deal, I think. Here's why:
Big changes means resolve. At least for me it means resolve. I seems like when I do one Big Thing, it emp
owers me to believe I
can do more Big Things. For instance - I got my hair chopped off - literally about 8 inches of difference! That helped me to decide it would be okay to get wacky glasses. Why? I'm not sure. But crazy decision #1 promotes crazy decision #2.
Marriage. This is empowering me to do even Bigger Things. Lately, I've been assessing various bus
iness ideas and looking at the library for books like "101 Best Small Businesses for
Women." Unfortunately, I'm not done with school yet. This is sort of a big obstacle but sort of not - because as a BYU student I get access to things like the "Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology." That's sort of a cool deal and could really help me.
The up-side to the school drool is that I only have 2-ish semesters left. 9 credits for Spring, a tour to Scandinavia and a sanctuary in Maine for summer, 14-16 credits for Fall and only 13 for Winter. Then it's over. Granted, "over" is in approximately 435 days (or something) but still.
Today Spencer asked "Where do you want to work after you graduate?" I told him that I've been wondering the same thing for months. Educationally, I've got ideas:
-Graphic Design
-Marriage & Family Therapy
-Mass Communications
-and such
But as far as a "career" goes?! I'm stumped. Any ideas?
Hurrah for changes! :)
ReplyDeleteKate x
I'm still trying to figure out what I want my 'career' to be. The nice thing about being out of school and having a full-time (though not very exciting all the time) job is that it gives me money and flexibility to do what I want to do. My big thing right now is cooking. If I were to dive into some small business something-or-other, it would be related to a gluten-free restaurant. We'll see.