Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm Officially Addicted.

So, it's twenty after one in the morning, and here i am on Go me

But because i call it my "make-shift journal," right now i would normally open up my journal (had i the real time to do it) and i'd report on what just happened.

I was sitting here, updating my blog page and doing some general customization when all of a sudden i hear this wailing from the room next door. It was that unsettling kind of wail when you're not sure if it's a laugh-wail or a cry-wail. So, in "instant react" mode, i ran next door from Bowen 17;2 to Bowen 17;3 and what did i find? My room-mate weeping and having a pure-bread panic attack. Don't even worry about it - the shivers, the rocking back and forth, the scream-crying and the sweating. Probably seriously scary? Yes. Very. And me - being the medical authority that i am - did i know what to do!? No. Definitely no.

So anyway - long story short we got her calmed down, prayed twice, and i asked her if she wanted a blessing. She asked me to call over two fine young men in my ward to perform such an act, and they were so wonderful. Once even carried her from her crumpled up self in a chair to her bed. What amazing boys.

After they left the 5 remaining room-mates began to softly sing some Church Hymns. It really brought the spirit into the room. I had a serious prayer in my heart for the whole last hour for my roomie to just feel the peace and comfort of Christ - and i really think His spirit was and still is present here. I've really seen the power of the Lord work first hand, and i hope my room-mate feels it too, and acknowledges that it is HIS love and HIS comfort that is making her feel so much better.

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