I will celebrate Christmas.
I will read books of my choice.
I will learn to do yoga.
I will learn more about biking.
I will run with my dogs.
I will paint the walls of my house.
And I will continue to learn many, many things.
I will not have to miss work to go to reviews.
I will not have to deal with the scheduling conflicts of everything class brings with it.
I will not have to deal with petty, entitled students who "participate" in reviews by spending their time on Facebook and call the TA's "idiots."
I will not have to stress about parking.
I will not have to worry about "my record."
I will not have to correspond with "TA's."
I will not have to brave the swarming crowds of campus.
I will not have to log into BYU's "My Financial Center."
I will be so very happy.