Anyway - I've checked out various organizations and what not and it seems that anything currently established as a "Power to the Women" type of organization is, well, just that. Sickly feminist and pro-abortion all ov
er the place!! Now, i'm all for having opinions but I'm also all for being a part of something that you believe in ONE-HUNDRED percent, which is why i can't associate myself with certain ideals, promoting unmitigated feminine dominance.
I have found solace in the Women's Services office at BYU where i can sign up to mentor an adolescent girl here in Provo. I also would like to volunteer to run a week-long "Love your Body" event on campus where girls can get together, wear free t-shirts and feel good about themselves, who they are and where they're going.
However, I'm still appalled at the social media, what it promotes and what it says about women. I'm disgusted by the pornography industry. I'm nauseated at the thought of domestic violence toward women (and men for that matter, but that's a different story.) And I wish women all over the world knew just how incredible we all are, individually and together.

This is where my idea comes into play:
Instead of fight this fire with protests, petitions and all that sort of unreliable and ho-hum hoo-ha, I wish to begin to start my own small chapter in this world to do my own bit of good. I want to start a blog. Maybe this blog will become a magazine and maybe that magazine will become a TV show and maybe these things will some day influence the world for good. Who knows. But for now, I'll start with a blog. And this blog will be dedicated to strong, amazing, normal women who are normal-sized, who promote good, normal things and are beautiful in every way because they do what makes them happy.
Once a week this blog will highlight one woman, who she is, and what she does that rocks. As this blog would hopefully gain a following, there would be a place to submit names, pictures, and descriptions of ladies who should be interviewed and spotlighted. And perhaps we could find comfort and inspiration in reading, even just once or twice a week, about women who seem to be like us and are powerful and unique in their own way.
What do you guys think? Should i go for it? Do you think people would respond and be willing to be interviewed and participate?